Safeguarding Policy
Policy Scope
1. This policy applies to all volunteers, including those in training; paid, agency and voluntary employees; the Board of Trustees; visitors and anyone acting on behalf of Switchboard, both within Switchboard and outside whilst on Switchboard business.
2. The purpose of this policy is to protect adults at risk and children under the age of 18 (including unborn children).
3. Q Space has a responsibility to do all we can to protect adults at risk and children from abuse and neglect. This policy is intended to support these responsibilities, in particular those set out in:
3.1. Working Together to Safeguard Children
3.2. The Children Acts 1989 and 2004
3.3. The Care Act 2014
4. Disclosures of abuse or neglect, or risk thereof, may come from or may be about: any person listed in Paragraph (1); our service users; or any other people you come into contact with whilst on Q Space business, particularly when running or faciliting our groups and spaces.
5. The relevant statutory guidance will inform the detailed work of the Safeguarding Officer, and any decisions they make.
6. The board of trustees is accountable for safeguarding at Q Space, and must assure themselves that all policies, procedures and practice are fit for purpose.
7. The board will nominate a lead trustee for safeguarding (Safeguarding Officer). On behalf of the board, they will be the named senior person in the organisation for safeguarding. They have responsibility for supporting the Q Space Team in their function, implementing and monitoring this policy, and maintaining oversight of any serious safeguarding activity.
8. The Q Space Team made up of volunteers is responsible for day to day safeguarding activity, as set out in this policy and any accompanying procedures. They will also work with the Safeguarding Officer to develop policy and practice across the organisation. They are responsible to the lead trustee for safeguarding.
9. Everybody referenced in Paragraph 1 above is responsible for following this policy, and requesting additional help or support if they are not sure what it means, or how to follow it in any given situation.
10. In particular, volunteers leading and facilitating Q Space groups and services should understand their responsibility when receiving a safeguarding disclosure, and how to handle it. They should contact the Safeguarding Officer with any related question or concern and support required in reporting disclosures and any potential onward referrals required.